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Learn about the function of various surgical forceps and where to find various models of forceps with quality and safety on the Internet.Surgical forceps are precision instruments used in surgeries for many years, and today they already have several models, shapes, and sizes, each one with a certain purpose and function within the surgical procedure.

In addition to options of various formats, it is also possible to find sites that provide surgical forceps over the Internet in a safe and fast way. Click here to access Jensen Instrument Technologies surgical supplies catalog.

Surgical Instruments
Surgical instruments are tools or devices developed to perform specific actions within a surgical procedure, aiming to assist health professionals.

There are several types of surgical instruments, and they can be grouped as follows
  • Dieresis instruments;
  • Hemostasis instruments
  • Instruments for gripping;
  • Instrumentation for separation;
  • Field instruments;
  • Instruments and material for the synthesis
The forceps are present among the hemostasis instruments, grasping instruments, and field instruments; therefore, the importance of surgical forceps in the most diverse procedures performed in clinics and hospitals is remarkable.

Surgical Forceps: Functions
Non-traumatic hemostatic forceps: their purpose is to close the circulation in large vessels and thus minimize vascular trauma;

Traumatic hemostatic forceps: they manipulate only the bleeding vessel and apply as little additional tissue as possible;

Dissecting forceps: their use is mainly aimed at handling certain types of human body tissues.

Types of Surgical Forceps
Halsted forceps, Kelly forceps, Rochester forceps, and Moynihan forceps are considered hemostatic surgical instruments intended for clamping blood vessels.

Instruments for pressing or grasping are considered to be all those intended for the function of clamping and grasping visceral organs. This group includes Allis forceps, Babcock forceps, Collin forceps, and Duval forceps.

Special instruments are considered all those intended for specific moments in certain surgical procedures, such as Abadie forceps, widely used in gastrectomies; Randal forceps, for the removal of gallstones. There is more than one size, and several have rings and racks, and also in several shapes, and may be straight or curved.

The straight Kocher clamp, classified as hemostatic, is currently used as a grasper and for suspending the aponeurosis, thanks to the presence and safety of its "mouse teeth". What differentiates it from the rest is the design and grooves on the inner part of its branches, responsible for the grasping.

The Kelly and Halsted forceps are hemostatic instruments and have the purpose of clamping vessels, and the Halsted are curved and provide easier handling. There are even smaller, delicate Halsted's, known as "mosquito forceps", used preferably in children's surgeries.

The Rochester forceps are, in general, more indicated in procedures where the clamping involves coarser structures, where there is the need for a more robust instrument.

In deep hemostasis, the Mixter clamp, the Moynihan clamp, and the Crafoord clamp are used, and the first two are clamps for working on pedicles such as the renal and hepatic pedicles.

The needle holders, on the other hand, are used for handling needles and threads in tissue closure. The basic forceps for this work are needle holders.

Find surgical Forceps with quality and safety through the Internet
Jensen Instrument Technologies sells a wide range of medical-hospital products and is fully able to efficiently meet the supply needs of hospitals and clinics throughout Australia.


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